  • 软件名称:地表蒸散发遥感产品比较与分析
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 李佳,辛晓洲,彭志晴,李小军
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 蒸散发遥感估算与其他定量遥感反演参数相比存在算法复杂,环节多,输入参数多,不确定性来源多等不利因素,因而造成蒸散发遥感产品成熟度较低,产品较少,不能满足高时空分辨率、高精度、实时获取等应用需求的问题。从蒸散发遥感产品角度出发,选择目前国内外较为常用和知名的蒸散发遥感产品,系统分析了各产品的实际蒸散发估算模型方法、阻抗的参数化方案、地表可用能量的估算方法、时间尺度扩展方法,以及计算流程和输入数据等,重点比较各产品在模型算法和计算流程上的不同设计思路和处理方法,以便更加深入地理解地表蒸散遥感估算的复杂性和不确定性,对未来研发出精度更高,普适性更广的蒸散发遥感产品提供重要的参考和基础框架。最后对这些产品的验证和应用情况进行了分析对比,总结了目前蒸散发遥感产品在产品生产、验证等方面存在的问题,探讨了未来蒸散发遥感产品的发展趋势。 关键词: 遥感产品;  地表蒸散发;  对比分析;  模型算法;  未来趋势     Abstract: Evapotranspiration(ET) is one of the most important term of land surface, which is an indicator of agriculture growth conditions and yield. Remote sensing technology has advantages in monitoring evapotranspiration, however, remote sensing evapotranspiration products develop slower than other remote sensing products. This paper compared seven widely used ET products and two ET systems, including MODIS-MOD16, SSEBop, ET_PT-JPL, ET_ALEXI, LSA-SAF, GLEAM, BESS, ETWatch and ETMonitor. We introduced the details of these ET products. In order to propose a framework of estimating high accuracy and widely used remote sensing ET products, and to better understand the complexity and uncertainty in ET estimation, we focused on comparing the design ideas and processing procedure of these ET products through summarizing algorithms of estimating actual ET, resistances parameterizations, available energy calculating methods, temporal upscaling methods, estimating procedures and input data sources, respectively. In addition, the current problems of ET calculating from remote sensing are proposed, including complex algorithms with multi parameters, inconsistent spatial and temporal resolutions, and difficult to be validated. Finally, we discussed possible directions of the future remote sensing ET products.



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