  • 软件名称:基于GEE平台的海岛地表覆盖提取及变化监测—以苏拉威西岛为例
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 付甜梦,张丽,陈博伟,闫敏
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 随着海洋在国家政治、经济、资源等方面重要性的提升,对海岛开发利用、管理和保护等具有重要意义的海岛地表覆盖研究逐渐受到关注。针对传统的大范围地表覆盖提取速度慢、效率低的问题,基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)地学大数据平台,以作为生态重点保护区的印度尼西亚的苏拉威西岛为研究区,开展海岛地表覆盖提取及变化监测研究。基于GEE平台对Landsat TM/OLI遥感影像进行辐射校正、影像去云、镶嵌裁剪等预处理,构建海岛地表覆盖分类体系(包括人造地表、裸地、水体、湿地、草地、林地、耕地7个类别),采用随机森林(Random Forest, RF)算法提取2000~2018年苏拉威西岛地表覆盖信息,并从结构及类型变化、时空变化、动态变化3个角度分析苏拉威西岛地表覆盖的变化特征及变化驱动因素。研究表明:GEE在对海岛进行影像处理和地表覆盖信息提取方面具有处理数据量大、效率高的优势。随机森林分类精度较高,研究区2000年、2015年和2018年分类总体精度分别为91%、88%、85%,Kappa系数分别为0.89、0.86、0.82。变化监测研究发现苏拉威西岛的主要地类为林地和耕地,两者占整个海岛地表面积的85%以上。在2000~2018年期间受移民计划以及禁止非法砍伐政策的影响, 林地面积呈先减(减少7 982.29 km2)后增(增加9 079.17 km2)的态势,耕地面积不断萎缩(共减少14 267.35 km2)且主要流向林地、草地和人造地表。人造地表的变化最为活跃且其面积显著增加,主要驱动力为人口的迁移以及经济的发展。研究结果为生态型海岛的土地资源合理开发及应用、生态环境的保护、气候与环境变化等研究奠定了基础。 关键词: 海岛;  土地利用/土地覆盖;  随机森林;  变化监测及分析;  GEE     Abstract: With the increasing importance of the ocean in the context of country's politics, economy, and resources; the Land Use Land Cover (LULC) related research of island has received growing attention, which is significant to the bio-physical and socio-economic development for island. The Sulawesi island has been declared as globally important conservation area. Considering the problem of slow extraction and low efficiency of traditional large-scale land cover, this study took the Sulawesi as study area and carried out LULC change analysis based on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. In this study Landsat TM/OLI images were used. After pre-processing all of the Landsat image, signature classes were selected based on the GEE platform. Finally, Random Forest (RF) algorithm was used to extract all of the land cover types of Sulawesi island from 2000 to 2018. In this study, change characteristics of land cover were analyzed from three aspects including structure and type change, spatio-temporal change, and dynamic change. This study observes the efficiency of GEE platform in regional scale data processing and surface cover extraction. The overall classification accuracy of the study in 2000, 2015 and 2018 are 91%, 88% and 85%, and Kappa coefficients are 0.89, 0.86 and 0.82, respectively. The LULC change analysis of this study shows that the main land cover types of Sulawesi Island are forest and cultivated land comprises more than 85% of the entire island. During the time period of 2000~2018, the forest land of Sulawesi was reduced first (reduced by 7 982.29 km2) and then increased (increased by 9 079.17 km2) due to the resettlement plan and the prohibiting of illegal logging while. The area of cultivated land was decreased (total reduced by 14 267.35 km2) converting to forest land, grassland, and artificial surface. Artificial surface has been increased significantly, mainly due to population migration and economic development in the island. The findings of this study will play an important role in guiding policy for regional development as well as resource management and environmental protection of Sulawesi island.



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