  • 软件名称:基于无人机观测的水稻冠层样方多角度反射特点分析
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 帅艳民,杨健,吴昊,邵聪颖,徐辛超,刘明岳,刘涛,梁继
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 无人机平台成本低和灵活性高的优点可弥补传统遥感平台的缺陷,为农业遥感近地表数据获取提供有效途径。任何型号无人机搭载传感器进行数据采集时均有一定的观测几何,但无人机观测几何诱发的方向反射差异及其在后续应用中的潜在误差仍需深入分析。利用无人机采集典型扬花期水稻田样方多角度观测,探讨其样方级别的方向反射及可见光植被指数的方向特点。结果表明:红、绿、蓝三波段的方向反射率差异分别可高达30.17%、22.03%和27.31%,传递到后续可见光植被指数其相对误差可达62.08%,尤其是对归一化绿红差异指数(NGRDI)、可见光波段差异指数(VDVI)影响较大。研究发现,角度影响是基于无人机观测开展定量研究时不可忽视的重要因素。 关键词: 无人机遥感;  多角度观测;  可见光植被指数;  水稻     Abstract: UAV platform with features of low cost and high flexibility has the potential to reduce weakness of the traditional remote sensing platform, and provides an effective way to collect near-surface measurements for the agricultural remote sensing community. Any UAV-based observations have the incident-view observation geometry under arbitrary scenario, while there is still a lack to understand angle-effect on UAV-based observations as well its propagation in following applications. We organized a field experiment to acquire the quadrat-level multi-angle observation over the sampled flowering paddy canopy through UAV to investigate the uncertainty induced by angles. Our results show that the maximum relative difference can reach up to 30.17%, 22.03% and 27.31% respectively at red, green and blue band, the deviation is up to 62.08% in the calculated visible vegetation indices, especially for NGRDI and VDVI index with an elevated variation. The research shows that the angel-effect is an important factor that cannot be ignored in the quantitative research based on UAV observations.



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