  • 软件名称:FY-3C MWRI在轨交叉辐射定标
  • 软件大小: 0.00 B
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 曾子倩,蒋耿明
  • 软件来源: 《遥感技术与应用》
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


摘要: 精确辐射定标是定量遥感的基础。以搭载在全球降水测量(Global Precipitation Measure-ment,GPM)卫星上的微波成像仪(GPM Microwave Imager, GMI)为辐射基准,用双差异(Double Difference, DD)方法对搭载在我国风云三号C星(Fengyun 3C, FY-3C)上的微波成像仪(Microwave Radiation Imager, MWRI)进行在轨交叉辐射定标。首先,将FY-3C MWRI数据、GMI数据和第五版欧洲中尺度天气预报中心再分析(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast Re-Analysis V5, ERA5)数据重采样至1°×1°的全球规则格网空间;其次,根据匹配条件收集晴空海面上的匹配观测点,用海洋微波辐射传输模型分别模拟FY-3C MWRI和GMI各个通道大气顶亮温;然后,根据匹配的观测值和模拟值计算DD值和FY-3C MWRI的理论观测值;最后,确定交叉辐射定标系数,并完成对FY-3C MWRI数据的定标重处理。结果表明:相对于GMI,FY-3C MWRI观测值被低估,特别是低频通道,但随着频率的增大,定标误差逐渐变小。FY-3C MWRI升轨(MWRIA)的定标误差比降轨(MWRID)小1.0~2.0 K。在全球天基交叉辐射定标系统(Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System, GSICS)所定义的标准场景亮温下,对于10V/H、18V/H、23V、36V/H和89V/H共9个通道,MWRIA的辐射定标误差分别为-6.7±0.3 K、-8.7±0.7 K、-2.9±0.7 K、-2.0±0.8 K、-2.4±0.7 K、-4.0±0.8 K、-2.4±1.4 K、-1.3±1.0 K和-0.4±1.8 K;而MWRID的辐射定标误差分别为-7.9±0.7 K、-9.7±0.9 K、-4.3±0.9 K、-3.0±0.8 K、 -3.5±0.9 K、-5.1±0.8 K、-3.0±1.1 K、-2.4±0.6 K和-1.0±2.1 K。 关键词: 交叉辐射定标;  FY-3C MWRI;  GMI;  双差异法;  海洋微波辐射传输模型     Abstract: Accurate radiometric calibration is the fundamental of quantitative remote sensing. In this work, the Microwave Radiation Imager (MWRI) on the Chinese meteorological satellite Fengyun 3C (FY-3C) is intercalibrated against the Microwave Imager on the Global Precipitation Measurement (GMI) using the double difference method. First, the FY-3C MWRI data, GMI data and the fifth edition of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast Re-Analysis (ERA5) data are resampled into a 1°×1° regular grid space. Then, matching observations are collected according to matching criteria, and simulations in both FY-3C MWRI and GMI channels at top-of-atmosphere are calculated using the ocean microwave radiative transfer model. Next, the double differences and theoretic observations in FY-3C MWRI channels are computed. Finally, the intercalibration coefficients are determined, and the FY-3C MWRI data are re-calibrated. The results show that, against GMI, the observations in FY-3C MWRI channels are underestimated, especially for the low frequency channels, and the calibration bias decreases with the frequency increment. The calibration biases of FY-3C MWRI ascending (MWRIA) data are 1.0 K~2.0 K lower than that of FY-3C MWRI descending (MWRID) data. At the standard scene brightness temperatures defined by the Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS), in 10V/H, 18V/H, 23V, 36V/H and 89V/H channels, the calibration errors of MWRIA are -6.7±0.3 K,-8.7±0.7 K,-2.9±0.7 K,-2.0±0.8 K,-2.4±0.7 K,-4.0±0.8 K,-2.4±1.4 K,-1.3±1.0 K and -0.4±1.8 K, respectively; the calibration errors of MWRIA are 7.9±0.7 K,-9.7±0.9 K,-4.3±0.9 K, -3.0±0.8 K,-3.5±0.9 K,-5.1±0.8 K,-3.0±1.1 K,-2.4±0.6 K and -1.0±2.1 K, respectively.



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