  • 软件名称:基于哈达玛总方差的卫星钟差参数估计与预报
  • 软件大小: 241.00 KB
  • 软件评级: ★★★
  • 开 发 商: 朱绍攀; 张书毕;
  • 软件来源: 本站原创
  • 解压密码:www.gissky.net


 钟差参数估计与预报是卫星导航系统应用中的一项关键技术。本文研究了基于哈达玛总方差的钟差参数预报方法。随机部分采用幂律谱模型,利用哈达玛总方差计算Kalman噪声参数,进而得到状态噪声和测量噪声协方差阵。最后利用IGS数据,验证了基于哈达玛总方差进行钟差参数估计与预报的适用性。结果表明,短期预报精度可达到亚纳秒级。 更多还原

【Abstract】 Satellite clock error estimation and prediction are the key technique for satellite navigation systems.In this paper,satellite clock error are estimated and predicted by total Hadamard variance.The power law model was used to describe the random part of satellite clock error.A method for estimating the process noises and the observation noises of Kalman filter using total Hadamard variance was deduced.IGS observation data is analyzed to show the satellite clock error estimation and prediction me... 更多还原



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