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  • 2006-7-1MO2.2 + VC 经验小结
  • 目前基于MO的开发实例以VB居多,VC实例只有MFC目录下自带一些例子。这里给出了几个常见问题的示例代码,希望对刚接触MO的广大VC二次开发人员有所帮助。 [阅读全文]
  • 来源:GIS空间站作者:周勇点击数:3362
  • 2006-7-1MapObjects开发技术 (VC++)
  • MapObjects是一组基于COM技术的地图应用组件,它由一个称为Map的ActiveX控件(OCX)和约45个自动化对象组成,在标准的Windows编程环境下,能够与其他图形、多媒体、数据库开发技术组成完全独立的综合性应用软件,是基于前端应用业务的良好的地图开发环境。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:GIS空间站作者:富融公司 苏乐平点击数:4074
  • 2006-7-1Introduction to ArcGIS
  • This tutorial is intended to introduce you to the basic use of ArcGIS 8.2. ArcGIS is a large program with many extensions and many uses. We will concentrate on ArcMAP and ArcCatalog. In this workshop, you will learn how to: add layers to a map including Shapefiles, Coverages, and Grids. use the Spatial Analyst extension. change the symbology to help understand the data. work with tables and join tables to map layers. work with geoprocessing tools - buffer and spatial join. work with layouts for better presentation of map data. create and edit shapefiles. ArcMAP is the desktop interface for ArcGIS. Look for ArcGIS in the Start menu then look for ArcMAP. You will be prompted on whether or not you want to open a new project or an existing one. You should open a new project. [阅读全文]
  • 来源:作者:未知点击数:2574
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